Australia-wide sales enquiries | 1300 885 295

Australia-wide sales enquiries | 1300 885 295

CFI Oil Separators

Australian designed and manufactured, the Mascot CFI unit is one of the most efficient on the market. Units can be supplied in two standard models and are capable of reducing the oil content in the effluent to less than 10 parts per million:

Depending on the pump chosen, our CFI works as up to 1500L per hour and up to 3000L per hour.

Wash-Down and Pump-Out Pits are also available in our unique Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC) for easy installation.




Cross flow units

No.Product CodeDescription
1CFI1500L or 3000L Unit

Above CFI Units come complete with CFI Unit, Plate Pack, Stand and Covers.



No.Product CodeDescription
2CFICP25Pump for 1500L
2CFICP800Pump for 3000L
No.Product CodeDescription
2CFI15ASMDiaphragm Pump for 1500L
2CFI30ASMDiaphragm Pump for 3000L

Above pumps are progressive cavity 240 Volt (Non flame proof). 415 Volt and flame proof options are available. Please confirm with your local water authority if a Diaphragm or Progressive Cavity Pump is required.



No.Product CodeDescription
3CFICPControl Panel
4CFIBABell Alarm
5CFIF6Float Switch (1 only)
6CFIFV15Flap Valve for 1500L
6CFIFV30Flap Vale for 3000L

Wash down and pump-out pits are also available in our unique Glass Reinforced Concrete GRC for easy installation