Nothing fragile about Mascot GRC Cable Pits

Another cracking example of working smarter with Mascot Pits… there are 98 cable pits on this truck and not a single fragile sticker in site!!
These 450sq x 800mm deep electrical pits are heading out of our Landsdale warehouse to Perth Airport – so not only are they suitable for loads up to Class G – but they’ve survived the grueling trip from our manufacturing plant in Sydney. Mascot Glass Reinforced Concrete pits are strong, durable and won’t be broken when they turn up on site like other ‘lightweight’ materials.
So not only are they strong, but think of the freight savings in this load – there are 98 pits on this truck. If you wanted to replicate this load with old fashioned pre cast concrete pits, you’d need another 6 or 7 trucks.
Mascot GRC. The Strength of Concrete. The Convenience of Plastic.
To find out how you can save, call us on 1300 885 295.