Health & Safety Notice Coronavirus

This page may be updated as the situation evolves.
Our commitment to the well-being of the greater Mascot Engineering community is our priority. We will continue to take steps in line with best practice advice from the authorities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and have developed a Safety Plan that includes recording of contact details.
Maintaining the highest level of hygiene, reducing paperwork and practicing social distancing has led to some changes not only in our daily operations, but in how you interact with us.
From the outside, the changes are minimal and are in place so we may continue to provide you with the products you rely on with the level of service you know and trust. From the inside, we’re well prepared for a range of possible outcomes and have continuity plans in place which we’re reviewing regularly.
Contactless Pick-ups and Deliveries
Mascot delivery vehicles (including courier and freight partners) from all branches remain on the road without change. We will no longer be collecting signatures on proof of delivery (POD) paperwork, rather we will capture the responsible persons full name and driver number (if applicable) when delivering goods or when being picked up from our branches. Handling of physical paperwork has been reduced considerably and sanitiser is on hand at all pick up points.
Visiting Us – Contactless Service
You’ll notice several changes on arrival at our branches… each change has been devised to ensure a healthy and safe interaction between you and our team. You’ll be required to check-in electronically using the QR Code at the entrance – this data is kept for the use of Government contact tracing only. The changes have been made at branch level to ensure it’s relevant to each site and we ask that you pay attention to signage upon arrival and rest assured our staff are practicing social distancing.
Supply Chain & Operations
Currently our supply chain remains unaffected. We do not rely on imports from China in our daily operations and given most of our products are manufactured locally our risk to change currently remains low. We’ve reviewed our key suppliers and increased forecasts and stock holdings where necessary.
Australian Made
Production of our GRC products remains at the required capacity and there is room for an increase should it be required. This includes all cable pits, drainage pits, channel systems, trade waste products (grease traps etc) and planter boxes.
Our range of Plastic Pits & Concrete Lids, Custom Precast products, and Mild Steel Access Covers are all locally produced and we’re not experiencing any issues with materials required for their manufacture.
Safety stock levels of grating and access covers are adequate, and supply is currently as planned with contingency in place for unforeseen issues. Our fabrication division is busy assembling multipart access covers and custom products (Sydney). If you have a current project requiring large quantities of custom or special grating, please get in contact with the team so we can plan accordingly.
We have seen an increase in enquiries (some from competitors who are experiencing supply issues), however we remain committed to our loyal long-term customers and have put in place strategies to ensure regular requirements are met as well as allowed for an increase in stock levels to cover the demand… the beauty of local manufacturing.
In the workplace – COVID Safe Plan
We recognise that the COVID-19 virus has required all of us to be more mindful as we go about our regular activities. As management have been working through business continuity plans, we’ve implemented a number of initiatives based on the Department of Health and WHO guidelines and information to promote personal hygiene. Our commitment to providing a safe and healthy work environment is the foundation of our plan, whilst reducing the risk of spread amongst staff by revising break times and locations as well as altering some internal processes to reduce interaction – promoting social distancing, personal hygiene, monitoring and educating staff as well as reporting.
We will continue to monitor the situation closely and are following the World Health Organisation, State and Federal Government advice and other Department recommendations. We remain committed to the health and safety of you and our team as well as continual operations at all our branches.
We believe that communication is key at the moment, both internally amongst the Mascot team as well as with our customers and suppliers. Our sales team remain available via phone and email as well as video calls through Zoom, WhatsApp, MS Teams, FaceTime and others.
If you would like to discuss this or have any concerns, please contact me on 02 9828 2600.
Nick Taylor | General Manager