Anti-Slip HM3 Stainless Steel Grating DS Range

Manufactured specifically to suit our DS range of drainage pits, our stainless steel heelproof grating is now available with HM3 anti-slip finish. This range of drop-in stainless grating is ideal for areas with high pedestrian activity such as malls and open public spaces. Heavier duty versions (with frame) are also available with the HM3 ant-slip finish.
Mascot GRC Drainage Pits are suitable for use wherever traditional concrete pits are used and come in the following sizes:
DS0 – 300mm sq
DS1 – 375mm sq
DS2 – 450mm sq
DS3 – 600mm sq
DS4 – 600x900mm sq
DS5 – 900sq
DS6 – 1200sq
For more information on our DS range, follow this link